An item is Significantly Not as Described if it is materially different than what the seller described in the item listing. Here are some examples:
You received a completely different item. Example: You purchased a book and received a DVD or an empty box.
The condition of the item was misrepresented. Example: The listing said "new" and the item was used.
The item was advertised as authentic but is not authentic.
The item is missing major parts or features which were not disclosed in the listing.
You purchased three items from a seller but only received two.
The item was damaged during shipment.
An item is not Significantly Not as Described if it is materially similar to the seller’s item listing description. Here are some examples:
The defect in the item was correctly described by the seller.
The item was properly described but you didn't want it after you received it.
The item was properly described but did not meet your expectations.
The item has minor scratches and was listed as used condition.
Isn't this purely misrepresented condition? These are by no means "minor scratches", and these weren't shown in the listing photos or mentioned in the description - hence my finding it hard to understand why I might not have a case here.
From Paypal:
What is Significantly Not as Described (SNAD)?
An item is Significantly Not as Described if it is materially different than what the seller described in the item listing. Here are some examples:
An item is not Significantly Not as Described if it is materially similar to the seller’s item listing description. Here are some examples:
Isn't this purely misrepresented condition? These are by no means "minor scratches", and these weren't shown in the listing photos or mentioned in the description - hence my finding it hard to understand why I might not have a case here.