It's been a while since I did electronics. I can probably solder a new battery connector onto my light but I was hoping there would be some electronics geek on here so 1. I wouldn't need to own more fucking tools and 2. I wouldn't kill £150 worth of light because I'm an impatient, idiotic retard.
So, any soldering gurus on the forum? Maybe a new thread.. ?
I'm now thinking about the ride out. Saves the faff with trains.
What's the chop with pace and stops? I can do 140k without water but it's not fun nor particularly sensible..
It's been a while since I did electronics. I can probably solder a new battery connector onto my light but I was hoping there would be some electronics geek on here so 1. I wouldn't need to own more fucking tools and 2. I wouldn't kill £150 worth of light because I'm an impatient, idiotic retard.
So, any soldering gurus on the forum? Maybe a new thread.. ?
I'm now thinking about the ride out. Saves the faff with trains.
What's the chop with pace and stops? I can do 140k without water but it's not fun nor particularly sensible..