well einstein.
i'm staying at my folks, my tools are at mine.. which i dont go back to until after the weekend.
i checked with the lbs near my parents (newly opened shop) and they didnt have one.. its rural essex so no track specific shops.
so yeah, in hindsight i should have packed the lockring tool / chainwhip / but i also forgot my phone charger too, shit happens and people are forgetful.
well einstein.
i'm staying at my folks, my tools are at mine.. which i dont go back to until after the weekend.
i checked with the lbs near my parents (newly opened shop) and they didnt have one.. its rural essex so no track specific shops.
so yeah, in hindsight i should have packed the lockring tool / chainwhip / but i also forgot my phone charger too, shit happens and people are forgetful.