Thanks, Ed, I've been slow in replying to those who have offered to backstop. Many thanks for all your offers!
It's very nice of your dad to offer, so thanks to him. However, I'd rather do it without a support car, as I don't think we need one. He would of course be very welcome to join us on a bike!
I'll have more to say on backstoppery once we have a clearer idea of the size of the group. Keep the list growing, everybody! The more, the merrier.
Thanks, Ed, I've been slow in replying to those who have offered to backstop. Many thanks for all your offers!
It's very nice of your dad to offer, so thanks to him. However, I'd rather do it without a support car, as I don't think we need one. He would of course be very welcome to join us on a bike!
I'll have more to say on backstoppery once we have a clearer idea of the size of the group. Keep the list growing, everybody! The more, the merrier.