• I've finally finished* a restoration for a friend I've been working on for the last six weeks.

    *it still awaits a nicer saddle (Brooks B57 preferably) and a 13" white pump, but I'm out of buget now.

    The entire restoration cost approx. £210 in parts, including a rare find square taper Thompson bottom bracket shipped all the way from the US.

    Anyhow, this is what you can make for as little as two hundred quid and own labor in building it. Hope the guy I've built it for likes it as much as I do... it's a real head turner when you ride round town.

    (photos are copyrighted biatchh)


    i am immensely impressed with this sterling effort. it looks absolutely wicked and displays more originality than ten dozen wanky fixies. the parcel shots especially 'do it for me'. me only question is, what's it the box? did you fabricate a fake parcel so as to demonstrate to functionality of your front rack? either way it's a solid performance and the pictures are indeed worthy of lifting.

    when are we going to design an LFGSS merit rosette?
