In the past couple of days I've gone a bit mad.
I just bought 3pairs of rims and hubs, a load of spokes, and 8 tyres.
not too mention last week i bought the shiny wheels from 14.
I'm going to build them all up, decide which ones I like and which ones I can pass on out of:
Gran compe x omega 19 box
Gran compe x omega V
On one x FIR SG30 (V)
Profile x open pro CD
Sys Ex x DP18 Shiny
and undoubtedly for sale:
Tub wheelset (mavic montherley i think + Maillard hubs- thought I could use them, not the case)
(@ todd- that is why I had to pass up on the hubs, more wheelsets than just one had to be built.
the gran compes and the on ones came to roughly that price.)
just thought I'd share.
what the fuck henry! you're mental.