Biceps are only used very lightly even in agressive hill climbs. It is more so your chest. It is true that biceps are one of the least useful to make 'really strong' you dont really need a strong bicep for anything. Even in pulling motion, its far more bio-mechanically efficent to be using back muscles to pull your arms back.
Anyhow, ive ressurected this thread as im planning on heading to the 'drome for the first time fairly soon and dont want to make an arse of myself.
As I said, ive got terrible lungs and no stamina so I am going to have to rely on sprint power. Ive been doing some barbell stuff and have got my squat to Bodyweight. Can only sprint for about 500metres properly. 30mph or so on 70" gearing.
Is this good enough to show up to a training session?
I'm struggling with stamina too, although my lungs are OK, I have Lactic issues. You will not really know what your issues are until you actually hit that track and spend some time in a race (although you will obviously have an idea from your road experience).
Relying on sprint 'power' probably won't be enough. I have OK sprint power and it gets me nowhere.
I am squating double body weight at the moment, but don't get to do it every session as I need a spot to go that heavy, I normally do easy reps at about 1.5 times body weight.
I was reading somewhere that all the power house sprinters squat over 2.5 times body weight!
I'm struggling with stamina too, although my lungs are OK, I have Lactic issues. You will not really know what your issues are until you actually hit that track and spend some time in a race (although you will obviously have an idea from your road experience).
Relying on sprint 'power' probably won't be enough. I have OK sprint power and it gets me nowhere.
I am squating double body weight at the moment, but don't get to do it every session as I need a spot to go that heavy, I normally do easy reps at about 1.5 times body weight.
I was reading somewhere that all the power house sprinters squat over 2.5 times body weight!