I'd give you £3, or even the full 3xBeer of 9 quid just because i dont think you should have to pay the server bill yourself. Youve created this forum, lots of people use it and noone pays but you.
Thing is.. I dont see that any perks could possibly be of any value. People only find ways round em and the only thing that happens is the 'locked' sections suffer real bad and people stop using them. Ive seen this happen with forums before and it usually spells the death of em.
Have you ever considered selling advertising? Just stick a couple banners about the place. Maybe flog google a bit of space and let em run their clever 'directed advertising' in it. I'm sure noone would object and there's got to be a mountain of brands etc who'd happily stump up a lot more than 1 beer a year in exchange.
I'd give you £3, or even the full 3xBeer of 9 quid just because i dont think you should have to pay the server bill yourself. Youve created this forum, lots of people use it and noone pays but you.
Thing is.. I dont see that any perks could possibly be of any value. People only find ways round em and the only thing that happens is the 'locked' sections suffer real bad and people stop using them. Ive seen this happen with forums before and it usually spells the death of em.
Have you ever considered selling advertising? Just stick a couple banners about the place. Maybe flog google a bit of space and let em run their clever 'directed advertising' in it. I'm sure noone would object and there's got to be a mountain of brands etc who'd happily stump up a lot more than 1 beer a year in exchange.