Because of the hunting industry hundreds of elephants & lions get to live a life of luxury in a protected game park. They get to eat all they want and do whatever they want till the fateful day comes when someone pays to hunt them.
To normal people in Africa elephants are a bloody nuisance, they go round smashing stuff up for no reason and are dangerous. Lions obviously dangerous too. In the wild they are killed by regular people for this reason or poachers for ivory & skins. The woman may have killed one that was gonna be culled in the wild anyway or more likely she paid to do it at a game reserve.
The hunting industry gives the opportunity for huge numbers of these animals to live a good life. Again I repeat, its not perfect, its not 'nice', but its true. Make of it what your will but I think the negatives and positives balance out. There is a lot more worthy stuff to get annoyed about.
I cannot see people making a thread every time a village of people is exterminated by mobs, moaning about how cruel people are.
Plus I bet most of you eat meat, drink milk & wear leather.
Absolutly: I eat meat, wear leather, drink milk, and farm my own pigs, lambs, chickens and geese.
But I look after them and when the time comes for it to make the trip to the freezer I make sure they are not distressed and that they suffer no pain.
Hunting supports endangered species growth in large parts of Africe, no one doubts that. Its the innapropriate weapon used and the lingering death this woman consigned the creature to that I don't like.
Absolutly: I eat meat, wear leather, drink milk, and farm my own pigs, lambs, chickens and geese.
But I look after them and when the time comes for it to make the trip to the freezer I make sure they are not distressed and that they suffer no pain.
Hunting supports endangered species growth in large parts of Africe, no one doubts that. Its the innapropriate weapon used and the lingering death this woman consigned the creature to that I don't like.
...d.e .i.