• You are Will Self and I claim my free prize.

    Oh, and I thought the Book of Dave was shit. Clever, but shit.

    I don't think so, even if the erratic grammar and broken semantics are deliberate.

    My problem with Will Self is that he doesn't seem to be a novelist, even if he wants to be one; and who'd blame him, it's something any writer secretly aspires to. But his novels never end satisfyingly. They don't really end at all. And if they did, it would still be marred by the way they meander tediously in the middle.

    But I like his short stories, his ideas, his cultural commentary on occasions, and his junkie airs and graces at their most inappropriate.

    And he has been riding fixed longer than most of the people on here, so he'll be a little further along the anthropological learning curve; certainly moreso than the journalist linked to in the OP, judging by their prose at least.
