It is unfortunate but its life and something that needs to be dealt with separately and not just upon punishment of St Georges day, i dont know anybody english or otherwise who thinks english people shouldnt celebrate St Georges.
Even the Arch Bishop of Canterbury was on radio 2 earlier telling us all to celebrate it and he was rallying england to have a national holiday, the floodgate is opening for us to celebrate england and all the hypersensitivty around it 'for fear of upsetting' is nonsense according to our first black bishop of england!!!!
Lets hate the BNP and not the occasion they are celebrating eh?
I can understand and appreciate that - which is why I'm clear in saying I don't have a problem with it per se. It's more the fact that in a borough like this one, they have to be very sensitive about the messages - implied or otherwise - that they're sending out by having these 'celebrations'.
I can understand and appreciate that - which is why I'm clear in saying I don't have a problem with it per se. It's more the fact that in a borough like this one, they have to be very sensitive about the messages - implied or otherwise - that they're sending out by having these 'celebrations'.