OK, So I think I'm done with configuring the new server and hacking things around. Might tweak a few very small things, but overall I think I'm there.
Please let me know if anything is broken or has gone wrong anywhere, I can't promise that I've done a flawless job because 1) I'm not that good, and 2) I've been stressed as hell today and the server failing under load wasn't something I anticipated having to deal with... so it's been an unplanned adventure.
OK, So I think I'm done with configuring the new server and hacking things around. Might tweak a few very small things, but overall I think I'm there.
Please let me know if anything is broken or has gone wrong anywhere, I can't promise that I've done a flawless job because 1) I'm not that good, and 2) I've been stressed as hell today and the server failing under load wasn't something I anticipated having to deal with... so it's been an unplanned adventure.
Hope it's all good for everyone now.
PS: Turned Chartbeat stats back on: http://chartbeat.com/dashboard/?url=londonfgss.com&k=a2bda2cfba3b183f467df38e54bfa6ad