Then remove your chainring. Wedge the fork of the ball joint separator between the B/B cup and the back of the crank with a few persuasive taps from the proverbial hammer.
Then heat the crank with a blowtorch for a good 5 mins. Finally once the alloy has heated nicely hit the ball joint separator with good force and the crank should just "fall off".
Ive used this and found it works as well to remove a crank with the same problem.
I feel a bit ashamed I know exactly how that happend on your crank....... Extractors come with a button for other styles of cranks, yours and mine require the button be removed and I failed to do so once.
Ive used this and found it works as well to remove a crank with the same problem.
I feel a bit ashamed I know exactly how that happend on your crank....... Extractors come with a button for other styles of cranks, yours and mine require the button be removed and I failed to do so once.
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