incidentally, I've been cycling about Dublin forever, it seems, yet I've never seen any of these bikes. It's my failing, undoubtedly.
What I have seen:
That gunmetal grey Mercian. It was my friend's, before he wrecked his knees and went to Melbourne to escape the rain. Also, his chrome Frejus, which I presume is about somewhere in Dublin.
Really nice white Rossin with chrome forks, ridden by a courier. Lovely (small) red/gold Colnago as well, also courier - both up and down Camden Street.
Saving for a Mercian now, but if anyone ever spots a beaten up Fangio conversion, sometimes with child seat attached (I'm hardcore, me), wave.
incidentally, I've been cycling about Dublin forever, it seems, yet I've never seen any of these bikes. It's my failing, undoubtedly.
What I have seen:
That gunmetal grey Mercian. It was my friend's, before he wrecked his knees and went to Melbourne to escape the rain. Also, his chrome Frejus, which I presume is about somewhere in Dublin.
Really nice white Rossin with chrome forks, ridden by a courier. Lovely (small) red/gold Colnago as well, also courier - both up and down Camden Street.
Saving for a Mercian now, but if anyone ever spots a beaten up Fangio conversion, sometimes with child seat attached (I'm hardcore, me), wave.