• #802
• #803
he's definately more like Kilroy.
YouTube - Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - Kilroy loses his mind!
• #804
OK, so most of the tags on here are puerile but one stands out as a giant among dwarves:
mikec does a starsky
Whoever wrote that, stand up and take a bow.
• #805
My favourite would be:
**cliveo kirsch
Particularly because I didn't have to resort to online anagram generatorsI love them. They're so complete and a great tool for getting o lot of loot. It's like winning at loto.
like some kind of total spazzmo.
• #806
I preferred
[B]Hi Clive Rocks**
• #807
I liked that one, too. :)
• #808
OK, so most of the tags on here are puerile but one stands out as a giant among dwarves:
Mikec does a Starsky
Whoever wrote that, stand up and take a bow.
My 4 word contribution.
Or was it Hutch? -
• #809
Come down to HH one saturday morning and we can sort this out on the track, where I do my riding, not my talking. Until then stop fucking whining
Fuck you Mr Mike to the C.
I sort my arguments out in the ghetto, little bike style.If fixed wheels we're meant to be used on "the track" they'd call it a velodrome or some such nonsense. Ha velodrome, what a silly name.
• #810
Mikec we've met a few times and you seem ok.If I wrote about what i've done to people on the road on here I'd be hung for it judging by the responces to your post.
Here are my tags:you'll miss nxt time,you look outside,you brakeless twats. (I ride no-brake)
Peace out. -
• #811
That cat in the blender is amazing.
• #812
ok ok .. i tagged "I am your father"
but who ever wrote "where's my Nagasawa" fess up.. thats magic!
• #813
'0800 fiddy fiddy fiddy' was tagged by me.
Apologies. -
• #814
but who ever wrote "where's my Nagasawa" fess up.. thats magic!
• #815
I like "internet cyclists" - I dont know why but that made me laugh.
• #816
mikec, do you ride a red/yellow simmoncini?
If so nice bus lane road rage with the scooter 10 mins ago;-)
• #817
• #818
Yeah that was me.
Did you see what he did to me that led up to that madness? -
• #819
holloway rd??
man, i've just noticed how many motorbikes and scooters are buzzing down the bus lane undetaking buses and cars, nasty.
• #820
he's probably riding a scooter while his lambo gets back from the garage :)
• #821
Dale. What a nightmare. It was fucking bad this morning.
Anyhow, I am cycling in the bus lane at a nice 15-18 mph, there are motor bikes whizzing past me, lorries stuck in traffic. Everything. It was manic. Anyhow, you know how full of pot holes the inside curb is in some sections? Well, I cycle just to the right of these to avoid them, and just as I am pulling back in towards the curb to let the motorbikes behind me get past, some cunt on a scooter has decided to undertake me. He almost wipes me out, misses me by inches.As I am not known for my calm disposition, I immediately give chase and catch him at the next lights. I shout at him 'What the fuck are you doing? do you not know your highway code etc etc.' You know what the cunt says?
'You should decide what lane you are in!' Unbelievable. So, because I am avoiding pot holes and all the shit in the gutter, he thinks it ok to undertake me at 30mph in the bus lane. I didn'[t get a chance to respond as the lights changed and I was fuming so I caught him again and carried on the shouting all the way down Holloway Road.
I deliberately did not sign the petition about this but I will sign it for scooters. CUNTS most of them.
Anyhow, where were you furios tiles?
• #822
Didn't see what happened just the aftermath, did give me n the rest of the shop a giggle though.
Those fucking feet first 500cc huge scooters are more than often riden by complete Joey's so I wasn't suprised.
• #823
Sorry, how does it make me a twat. If I wasn't such an experienced cyclist I would have hit him a lot fucking harder.
I rode my motorcycle into a cyclist once. He was new on the road, didn't know how to judge distances properly and pulled out of a side road in front of me. I slowed down and if I'm honest, I could have avoided him completely but I decided to deliberately bump him off his bike and dump him on his arse in the middle of the road to teach him a lesson. If I wasn't such an experienced motorcyclist, I'd've hit him a lot fucking harder. Except I did make the choice to hit him at all.
(^^^^ this is irony, by the way)
That's the same mentality black cabs use to excuse knocking us off our bikes. From a moral perspective that drags you down with the slugs, snails and pondweed of cabbiedom.
Secretly though, I still think it's kinda cool twatting up a super-car. ;-) And I do agree that some lesson has been taught. But he might've taken it in better if you'd been calm and rational. People who have fucked up do better with excusing themselves when they have been given a mouthful of abuse. It leaves them feeling aggreived, which they use to mask their guilt. When you remain calm, all they are left with is that guilt.
And you know the Lambo driver has a tiny penis too, so you should feel sorry for him.
Mind, that said, I am the hottest-headed nutter at times - especially when my blood is in full flow mid-ride, so I am no one to talk about remaining calm when stuff kicks off. This post is a definite "do as I say, not as I do"... slaps own wrists for hypocracy
• #824
Gadzooks man,let it lie!
• #825
^^ohh no please don't resurrect this thread from the dead!!!!!! This has all been and done ;)
Anyhow, do you work in the bike shop on the corner then furious? I think thats were the first exchange of words took place
it's not likely to happen, but if I were to attack you now would you beat me off?