• #152
pink does not equal gay. rainbow maybe, no harm in that in my view.
Perhaps a reminder about the reference may be in order:
• #153
I think these are gonna look pukka, I want to see someone gatecrash a really serious race in full LGFSS cycle club gear, and get photo's, flippin awesome.
• #154
you normally have to make podium to get your picture taken.
• #155
Gatecrash the podium? i'd be well up for that.
• #156
We can easily make a podium. There must be some carpenters on here.
• #157
Or we could make a fake podium put it near the real one and 3 of us jump on it in the middle of the awards ceremony, if we stage it well enough its doable.
• #158
I prefer Oliver's suggestion
• #159
My little podium
• #160
With a big dangly cock and a slogan saying 'Hung Like a LFGSS Pony'
Haha you cunt! Had another tea/keyboard interface there!
• #161
• #162
• #163
Uber gay or Uber cool?
Are the two mutually exclusive?
• #164
• #165
I think its Uber cool.
I'd rock it. but i did design it.
• #166
Go to bed, Adam...
• #167
If someone does the designs and the forum agrees on them I'll get a load of shirts and caps made and distribute them.
Not in the above though. That horse/pony/eunach is ghastly.
• #168
OhTynan'sDeity this thread still has me excited.
It should be black with pink ponies!
And please please please make them lycra, If they're made of wool I will cry then klill everyone I see wearing them.
OK, Scott and Object's place then - they're right by the 'drome.
By the way, you appear to have forgotten about Jim. -
• #169
that would look great with white jeans, deep tan and some streaks in my hair.
unfortunately i have none of the above so i will not be purchasing one of your club jerseys.
• #170
No one up for gatecrashing podiums, or any other similar horeseplay then?
• #171
• #172
i'm done with that scene now.
• #173
How about matching shorts?
• #174
Just need to get that pony closer...
This is the Ferrari logo:
It should be hott pink my little pony, prancing in that position... and perhaps giving the viewer the eye.
Oh, and I said earlier that it to the passer-by it should be half-convincing. That if they didn't know they'd think we were serious. So putting a few sponsor logo's on there might be a good idea. Some drinks thing, Smirnoff seems good for that... and clearly we should get a bike shop on there... maybe Tour de Ville?
• #175
like a fake 80's club jersey. with 'epo' made into a logo. DHL logo rip-off but DFL.
Deleted, it was a bit stupid.