This thread's certainly got a lot more interesting while I've been sleeping...
I can't help but feel the people who have said we should feel bad for her children and family are missing the point. Apart from a few who are openly celebrating the fact, I'd wager that the majority implicitly feel bad for her, as they would for anyone who's suffered a loss, but that it's impossible to feel 'specific' sympathy whenever something bad has happened in the world.
I vaguely resent the fact I seem to be being 'told' that I should feel particularly sad, or more sad, about a vacuous, air-headed nobody, just because they happened to be in the public eye for being a vacuous, air-headed nobody.
As such, I think it's perfectly reasonable to comment on what she did with her life - just because she's dead doesn't make her a saint.
The use of the word 'her' and the fact that you're use of the word 'her' is in referrance to Jade Goody leads me to believe that in this particular case it's about the person...and not the reflection on our culture and society.
And also....just because she chose to milk her 15 minutes for all it was worth to try and earn more money doesn't make her that much of a sinner either...there are far more people on this planet deserving of hatred than a minor celeb like 'her'.
The use of the word 'her' and the fact that you're use of the word 'her' is in referrance to Jade Goody leads me to believe that in this particular case it's about the person...and not the reflection on our culture and society.
And also....just because she chose to milk her 15 minutes for all it was worth to try and earn more money doesn't make her that much of a sinner either...there are far more people on this planet deserving of hatred than a minor celeb like 'her'.