This thread's certainly got a lot more interesting while I've been sleeping...
I can't help but feel the people who have said we should feel bad for her children and family are missing the point. Apart from a few who are openly celebrating the fact, I'd wager that the majority implicitly feel bad for her, as they would for anyone who's suffered a loss, but that it's impossible to feel 'specific' sympathy whenever something bad has happened in the world.
I vaguely resent the fact I seem to be being 'told' that I should feel particularly sad, or more sad, about a vacuous, air-headed nobody, just because they happened to be in the public eye for being a vacuous, air-headed nobody.
As such, I think it's perfectly reasonable to comment on what she did with her life - just because she's dead doesn't make her a saint.
This thread's certainly got a lot more interesting while I've been sleeping...
I can't help but feel the people who have said we should feel bad for her children and family are missing the point. Apart from a few who are openly celebrating the fact, I'd wager that the majority implicitly feel bad for her, as they would for anyone who's suffered a loss, but that it's impossible to feel 'specific' sympathy whenever something bad has happened in the world.
I vaguely resent the fact I seem to be being 'told' that I should feel particularly sad, or more sad, about a vacuous, air-headed nobody, just because they happened to be in the public eye for being a vacuous, air-headed nobody.
As such, I think it's perfectly reasonable to comment on what she did with her life - just because she's dead doesn't make her a saint.