I managed 22mph into that headwind on the flat to the ferry, that was fecking hard work as well.
Heh yeah that was pretty mental, it was fairly hard just drafting you.
Managed 43.3 mph down a steep ass hill today. Was wearing a t-shirt which was flapping around a lot, I reckon i would have hit 45 easily if I was in a jersey. Some silly bitch pulled out in front of me when I was doing about 38 on the second steep bit so I couldn't give it another go. :(
My top speed on a flat sprint is about 35 mph, almost dead afterwards if I push that hard though. Normal bike not TT btw.
Did same route again today, in my jersey (but no lycra shorts). Fucking 44.9 mph (72.6 kph), so close. If I hadn't done 75 miles in the preceding 24 hours I would have got it...