• #52
I'd hazard a bet that all of you have said something mildly racist in your life. I know I have.
• #53
• #54
Some of my best friends are racists.
• #55
Guys, this is pretty fucking stupid. Who is the real evil cunt here? It's not Jade Goody, she was just an absolutely 100% ordinary person. If you must bad mouth any one, then bad mouth the man (begins with M, ends with ax Clifford) who made a shitload of money out of publicizing every moment of her life, for the past 5 years or so.
i'm pretty sure that he has only been representing her for the last year or so, could be wrong but i believe that to be correct.
i also chose to believe that there are a lot, lot worse people that could have been representing her through this time. clifford seems to be used by a lot of online guardian readers as a bit of a scapegoat for the simple fact that he puts himself out there more than most agents, Pr's, whatevers. i don't think he'd made her do anything she didn't want to do and he has made the point over and over again that this is not how he would chose to do things himself but that jade made her 'fame', 'fortune' whatever you want to call it in this way and it was esentially how she chose to end it, too.
i thought he sounded quite emotional with the statement he made but that could well be because he had to get up at 3am. either way i'm sure for a man that lost his wife to cancer only a few years ago the whole thing must have been upsetting. now i'm sure a lot of people are going to talk about all the money he's pocketing from this. i would be very, very, very suprised if he took a thing for all the work he's been doing to Goody. -
• #56
Spin, spin and spin once more...
• #57
My beef isn't with Jade or Clifford however much I dislike his profession, it's with the fucking world, maaan.
• #58
The girl never displayed any kind of characteristics that I found appealing, I disliked her intensely and had no interest in this whole sorry story - though it was hard to ignore when it was rammed down your throat 24/7.
With that in mind though, I can't help looking at the more rational post here and agree:
'Don't hate the player - hate the game'
• #59
Things that deserve our attention than this:
• #60
Things that deserve our attention than this:
You're right. Whatever was the guy who started this thread thinking of?
Oh. -
• #61
people who put themselves in the spotlight are bound to get attention. seeing as i worked in a childrens hospice, every child there deserves more of a mention than jade. she has not raised cancer awareness one bit, and profited from selling her story, not donated.
its sad, but there is no reason to put it the news.
i had always found jsde to embody all that is wrong witj the world today, but now ir is time to leave it.basically dont be cunts but dont ant of u suggest that she deseves our empathy neither. because death should always be a private matter.
also as some of u know i spent muxh of rhe past ye doing leukaemia research, and i was taken on rounds more than a fww times, aand the people i met will stay with me forever, may they rip.
• #62
Things that deserve our attention than this:
• #63
Things that deserve our attention than this:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7957493.stmThat would be the shooting that the air ambo was redirected to. I assumed it was some gangsters shooting at each other. Poor kid.
Not sure why you'd be shotting in your backyard in London though. I wonder if the gun owner had any experience?
• #64
jade's dead? oh goody..
sorry, my condolences etc to jade and all the other people who died of cancer today, wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy.
• #65
This thread needs to sink. Every website on the entire internet is having this exact same conversation right now, none of these opinions are new.
• #67
she dosent matter,
real people are dying all the time -
• #68
Every website on the entire internet is having this exact same conversation right now.
You reckon?
http://www.knowhere.co.uk/Twatt/Orkney-Islands/Scotland/messages -
• #69
1.she was a racist
- she was fat
- she was a nobody
- she was annoying
- she went on big brother
do I need to go on
Fuck her and her opinions, I feel sorry for the children but her, I could not give a fuck about.
- She was 27
- She died a painful death
- She leaves 2 small children
Do I need to go on..
She was Rascist. Isn't everyone..a little-bit? She was fat? Wtf. She was a nobody? Who isn't? She was annoying? Again who isn't? She went on Big Brother. What does that have to do with anything? Have some fucking empathy.
- she was fat
• #70
she dosent matter,
real people are dying all the timeWas Jade Goody some sort of Phantom?
• #71
point taken, loads more articulate writers than me have done words on how she typifies the age which were living through, just reckon constant focus on celebrity bollocks robs people of their ability to get involved in real peoples lives,
• #72
Chinese police are cool.
• #73
Guys, this is pretty fucking stupid. Who is the real evil cunt here? It's not Jade Goody, she was just an absolutely 100% ordinary person. If you must bad mouth any one, then bad mouth the man (begins with M, ends with ax Clifford) who made a shitload of money out of publicizing every moment of her life, for the past 5 years or so.
He capitalized on the fact that people are absolutely fascinated by other people's lives. He was obeying the 1st rule of mass media (to quote tomorrow never dies): give the people what they want.
If you hate Jade Goody any more than you hate any random person on the street, then you're an idiot. She did nothing more morally wayward than any other human being. You call her a racist - I'd hazard a bet that all of you have said something mildly racist in your life. I know I have. The difference is we're ok because we're not in the pockets of a publicist.
I repeat. She was just an ordinary person, with ordinary views, who was given a chance to become rich and famous. The real evil here lies in any of the following: Max Clifford, mass media, the 21st century, the human condition, or you. Take your pick.
Some of you seriously need to check your shit.
• #74
I would hope that if one good thing happens from her life and death, and the shameful way they have been exploited and exposed, it would be the quick and total demise of the reality tv star and the instant celebrity. If fame and wealth were once again only awarded to those with talent the world would be a much better place.
Sadly I know it's never going to happen. The cult of celebrity is a curse that will blight our lives.
• #75
But she didn't know where East Anglia was....FFS!?
I blaym the educashunn sistum
agreed Alex, 100%.