Oh god. I've got to do this in the next month or two & I'm shitting myself. You haven't got electronic copies of those flash cards have you !Nhattattack!?
As an aside, the path to citizenship here is fucked up. I came here on an Ancestry visa 4 years ago and if the law hadn't changed since I've been here I'd be a citizenship by December this year. And they're going to change it again in December this year so it will now take your average unmarried immigrant (ie me) 8 years to become a citizen unless I do "prescrived activities" and they don't tell you what those are. Advice for those eligible to aplpy for citizenship/ILR - do it as soon as you can, and definitley before December 2009.
What? They are changing it again?! BOCs
Fine.. I'll just get married immigration slags.. how do ya like them apples!?!
What? They are changing it again?! BOCs
Fine.. I'll just get married immigration slags.. how do ya like them apples!?!