I object because this often happens at red lights. As in the light is red but some car driver sees fit to overtake me, then hugs the curb so close that I have to take the high side. You are right in one sense, if a vehicle is specifically turning left then it's OK that they would not provide me with space on the left. Often though they are going straight and yet do the same thing.
Personally, I am very careful and would never pass on the left a vehicle that was actually signalling to turn left. However, a lot of drivers that are planning to go straight simply overtake and then close the gaps for cyclists. It even happens at ped crossings when there is no opportunity to turn. The car simply comes in front and then stops, blocking my path.
Ah right, confusion cleared up. Yes, overtaking you just to stop and go straight is complete arsehattery. My particular bugbear is overtaking you just to turn left in front of you.
But don't trust a car's indicators or lack of them to give you any indication of the driver's intent. BMWs in particular always seem to have malfunctioning ones :-) Oh and motorbike indicators don't cancel. Even good experienced riders sometimes forget to turn them off.
Ah right, confusion cleared up. Yes, overtaking you just to stop and go straight is complete arsehattery. My particular bugbear is overtaking you just to turn left in front of you.
But don't trust a car's indicators or lack of them to give you any indication of the driver's intent. BMWs in particular always seem to have malfunctioning ones :-) Oh and motorbike indicators don't cancel. Even good experienced riders sometimes forget to turn them off.