Also, if you spray round the hole in the colour the local authority uses, and someone has an accident as a result of the hole, before it gets filled, the local authority will find it very hard to deny liability. Basically, they're liable if they're aware of the hole, and if their rolling checks weren't reasonable. If there's a bloody great circle of highway paint round the hole, they'll have trouble denying it. A family member is head of highways for a large county, and spends his days in court explaining the inspection schedule when people are suing...
This is not legal advice, and should not be acted upon ;)
Also, if you spray round the hole in the colour the local authority uses, and someone has an accident as a result of the hole, before it gets filled, the local authority will find it very hard to deny liability. Basically, they're liable if they're aware of the hole, and if their rolling checks weren't reasonable. If there's a bloody great circle of highway paint round the hole, they'll have trouble denying it. A family member is head of highways for a large county, and spends his days in court explaining the inspection schedule when people are suing...
This is not legal advice, and should not be acted upon ;)