On a more positive note, this little fella made it.
on a more controversial note, it turns out that this photo was taken the week before the big fires, following a controlled burn-off deliberately lit by the CFA. so although it shows a CFA firefighter helping a dazed and confused koala, in actual fact the CFA were responsible for his troubles.
this is one of the reasons people oppose controlled fuel-reduction burning - it can really fuck up the native animals.
it also raises issues about the way the fires were reported by the media.
on a more controversial note, it turns out that this photo was taken the week before the big fires, following a controlled burn-off deliberately lit by the CFA. so although it shows a CFA firefighter helping a dazed and confused koala, in actual fact the CFA were responsible for his troubles.
this is one of the reasons people oppose controlled fuel-reduction burning - it can really fuck up the native animals.
it also raises issues about the way the fires were reported by the media.
cool photo though.