• Your a funny guy.

    No seriously... Will I have to pay for this guys rear window? Do cyclists need insurance to be on the road?

    Of course you should. It was your fault and you smashed the window.

    I am pretty sure if an uninsured car hits an insured car there is some kind of £££ available from the government or something to get the damaged car fixed up.
    Is that true or am I spouting pure mouth excrete?

    That is kind of true but the uninsured person gets a fine + points on license meaning bigger insure cost when they do get cover e.t.c The money comes from a % contribution from all motor insurance policies so it's not that same for a cyclist as you are not required to have insurance hence cyclists are not contributing to the fund plus there are none of the fines e.t.c.

    I don't think insurance for cycling should be mandatory as then you would have to have insurance for walking e.t.c but when you fuck up you have to take responsibility.

    problem is... I dont have any £££ to give this chap.
    I am what could be called 'strapped for cash' right now. problem.

    Well you may have to come to an arrangement of £5 a week or so for x many weeks.

    P.S I don't care about the no brakes thing but if you fuck up for what ever reason you need to take responsibility. If you have not got the money that's an issue for you to sort out not someone else.
