• uuuuh yeah well thats why im comin, but i was planning on going to rotterdam rarther than amsterdam. also doesn't tourism make up a lot of the economy over there? if you want us brits to stay away someones gonna have to pick up the slack

    Whether you go to R'dam or A'dam doesn't make a difference to me, it's far, far away from where I am anyway. And tourism does make up a lot of the economy there, absolutely, and it's not that I want the brits to stay away, far from it. It's just that drug-tourism causes a lot of problems and tourism is not the same as getting doped up and drunk, imo. People who come over just for the dope and the booze are the ones who often cause trouble and spoil it for the 'ordinary' tourists. So I would much prefer it (as would quite a large part of the Dutch, I think) if all the people (not just the Brits) who come over for the drugs just stay home and get stoned there.