I don't want to start this list unless people think it's worthwhile, but having just been quoted £90 for a basic powdercoat, I'm tempted to start a 'definitive' powdercoating list, with powdercoaters, service provided - e.g. strip (and how - chemical, stove, shot-blast etc), powdercoat, lacquer, contact details, website, quality of finish and rough idea of price.
'Use the f-ing search' isn't getting me far in terms of prices and the quality of finish, but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if it's worthwhile.
Did you ever do this - my UTFS hasn't helped either. Armourtex seem well regarded and competitive, but some folk on another forum reckon they've had theirs done for £35.00. I'm wondering if that's just market forces, or a shit job?
Did you ever do this - my UTFS hasn't helped either. Armourtex seem well regarded and competitive, but some folk on another forum reckon they've had theirs done for £35.00. I'm wondering if that's just market forces, or a shit job?