OK here's one. Spotted on Sunday 10pm, in the rain, travelling East along Homerton High St, no lights, white arrospok on the front, white deep vs on the back, didn't get much of a chance to clock the rest of the components, since you swerved in front of me to turn right without indicating, and that left me with a few pressing matters to attend to - not skidding into the side of the road, into you, or being rear-ended by the cars behind me, and other similar trifles.
Here's a hint, you gigantic syphilitic clunge, that hipster-er-than-thou look you've got going on might be enough to let everyone within a mile know that you're a mindclunking twunt, but it isn't QUITE enough to let other road users know where the FUCK you're planning on cavorting to.
While we're on the subject, doing a flappy little arm wave somewhere near your prolapsed arsehole about ten minutes AFTER you've risked your worthless life and my rather more useful one is of about as much use as your three haircuts in one, you turdchoking shitehawk.
I met this guy in the chippy on Wick Rd tonight. Green Bob Jackson. Nice guy we chatted about fixed when he spotted my Panasonic. I think he has lights now.
I met this guy in the chippy on Wick Rd tonight. Green Bob Jackson. Nice guy we chatted about fixed when he spotted my Panasonic. I think he has lights now.