tomasito, any chance of us revisiting the crack of dawn TT, I'm up for as much riding as possible in the future, if I'm going to be competitive come track day 3.
Who else is up for it? Sunday Mornings, quick sprints then off for a well deserved breakfast.
From tomasito's original first post.
Here's one possibility. Exactly 4 miles. Not too many traffic lights + good visibility at junctions. Start/finish at Blackfriars Bridge.
Bumpity Bump Bump
tomasito, any chance of us revisiting the crack of dawn TT, I'm up for as much riding as possible in the future, if I'm going to be competitive come track day 3.
Who else is up for it? Sunday Mornings, quick sprints then off for a well deserved breakfast.
From tomasito's original first post.
Here's one possibility. Exactly 4 miles. Not too many traffic lights + good visibility at junctions. Start/finish at Blackfriars Bridge.