• #1477
totally forgot, is there anyone who has got a spare spoke card? or anyone who knows someone who has one?
was late yesterday and missed to buy one :( -
• #1478
hello philjay, twas me with the green pedals,
working tuesday but free for the next one.
i'll try to make it down
joe -
• #1479
hello philjay, twas me with the green pedals,
working tuesday but free for the next one.
i'll try to make it down
joeAwesome. Seems like there are sessions cropping up throughout the week anyhow so just check up on the TrixieDix thread. There may be a regular Week-end session starting and I think some people are going down there Thursday night too.
• #1480
What larks chaps! Fuck it m'lord I'm a movin' to the big smoke!
• #1481
A big thank you for arranging a great day out Teddy, sorry I didn't make it to the end, my chain came off in the middle of Oxford Street, whole thing locked up and try as I might no way I could get it sorted out. Next time....
• #1482
the last minute panic to find country attire was worth it, great day , thanks to teddy and the others for organising it all, and good to meet a bunch of splendid chaps and chappesses
5 Attachments
• #1483
Looks like it was a right laugh. Some very stylish looking people
• #1484
can you link us to the large version please?
It's really bad quality though so barely worth it but I shall try my best.
• #1485
I've stuck a few of the snaps I took up on Flickr
It was jolly good fun. Thanks all.
• #1486
What a day! An amazing turnout, with everyone making so much effort, both with
costumes and with true gentlemanly behaviour! Even the Police, Drivers and Peds were on good form.
Massive thanks to Sir Teddy of Holdsworth and all the marshalls, one of the best days
out with the forum so far. Amazing. Thank you all. Ride free, ride Tweed.Some more Photos of the day.
• #1487
p.s. I am NOT Spagettihoops!
• #1488
flickr link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34727446@N04/
many smiles. -
• #1489
At the very start a police van stopped by and asked what was the ride in aid of? We replied "just a fun ride" and he replied with a big smile "I just wanted to tell you it is brilliant!".
We put smiles on so many faces yesterday. Beautiful :)
• #1490
My first outing with the London Fixed Gear and I brought mate at the last minute - we had a blast, I was the bloke with the leather flying hat on for the second half (it got cold and kept my ears warm). Thought the 'Fillies' with short tweed skirts were very brave and that Gent with the up and down propelled bike, heard him say it was more of an anal sexual act than a bike....
• #1491
Absolutely splendid day out!
Peace love and tweed to you all!! XXX -
• #1492
top class outing! Thanks to all the customers who bought there tweed from me! But not of all thanks to teddy!
• #1493
So much fun!
Many,many thanks to Teddy for being the fine instigator, and to our noble and gracious stewards and hosts, sponsors and whatnot.
The looks on Londoners faces at Regent Street / Oxford Street as we all arrived en masse was a sight to behold! And that carried on with pedestrians, policemen, cabbies and car drivers for the rest of the day. As Skully said, you can get away with bending a few rules if you look like the ruling classes.
Lovely not recognise people I know well because of their different clothes, and great to put new names to faces. LFGSS generosity still makes me smile.
I am now a tweed convert (Tweedvert?), and despite the golfing questions Villa Ru, Gwyn and I faced in the pub afterwards, I shall be wearing it more often. Who's up for a tweed coast ride in the summer?
Less Speed, More Tweed!
• #1494
whoops still drunk! Please dont take me to the redchurch again! Cheers to one and all
• #1495
Video is done and dusted:
2hrs of raw footage condensed for your viewing pleasure:
Londonfgss Tweed Run on Vimeo
• #1496
fully gutted i didn't get to take part in this! look forward to reading about the next one!!
you all looked fucking quality, a lot of people at piccadilly wondered if the road blocks were for you lot riding through haha :) -
• #1497
good work henry, love the soundtrack
• #1498
At the very start a police van stopped by and asked what was the ride in aid of? We replied "just a fun ride" and he replied with a big smile "I just wanted to tell you it is brilliant!".
that's exactly the kind of reaction that Critical Mass originally should get.
fuck CM, TR FTW!
• #1499
Oldschool B&W photos developed today, courtesy of Snappy Snaps on Wardour St (I knew I'd find somewhere open), tagged appropriately and posted on Flickr.
• #1500
Wish I made it to this..Does anyone have any photos they've put up?