The film I sat through most of over Christmas was a "British" film about - wait for it - some guy at University in the 80s who goes on University Challenge. I'm riffing here but due to that plot detail I'm guessing it might have been called "Starter for Ten", though "Lose Five Points" would have been more apt. I had a cold and my parents for some reason had zoned out in front of it so I watched it go by. I was staggered at how pointless and charmless it was.
For some reason part of me cares deeply about films, or even Cinema - probably cos I managed to watch stuff when I was younger that blew me away. There's only one country that consistently makes worse films than the US and it's us, which is difficult for me to admit cos I hate Hollywood and the truly worthwhile 'Independents' are few and far between. Surely we have scriptwriters producing stuff worth throwing good money at? The film I saw was yet another example of a British film that had no cinematic value whatsoever, no characters that had any charisma or authenticity, no situations that had any dramatic value and dialogue that had no resonance. Why was it made? For a boxing day TV lemsip zone-out? High aspirations.
The film I sat through most of over Christmas was a "British" film about - wait for it - some guy at University in the 80s who goes on University Challenge. I'm riffing here but due to that plot detail I'm guessing it might have been called "Starter for Ten", though "Lose Five Points" would have been more apt. I had a cold and my parents for some reason had zoned out in front of it so I watched it go by. I was staggered at how pointless and charmless it was.
For some reason part of me cares deeply about films, or even Cinema - probably cos I managed to watch stuff when I was younger that blew me away. There's only one country that consistently makes worse films than the US and it's us, which is difficult for me to admit cos I hate Hollywood and the truly worthwhile 'Independents' are few and far between. Surely we have scriptwriters producing stuff worth throwing good money at? The film I saw was yet another example of a British film that had no cinematic value whatsoever, no characters that had any charisma or authenticity, no situations that had any dramatic value and dialogue that had no resonance. Why was it made? For a boxing day TV lemsip zone-out? High aspirations.