Incidentally, would any of you chaps have some tweed a Gentleman could borrow for this Saturday? I'm off to the Volupte Lounge, which means the finishing touches to my Gentleman's costume will have to be purchased on Sunday.
To fit a man of five foot 7 inches, with a thirty inch waist. Ideally a jacket of some ilk, and possibly a waistcoat.
Good Gosh
What is this chap wearing for winter? How can he have manged so far through the cold season without an adequate supply of tweed. Or is he one of those warm weather pygmy chappies, he appears to be of alarmingly short stature or possibly some acquaintance of Laird Sano - a rogue by any other name.
Good Gosh
What is this chap wearing for winter? How can he have manged so far through the cold season without an adequate supply of tweed. Or is he one of those warm weather pygmy chappies, he appears to be of alarmingly short stature or possibly some acquaintance of Laird Sano - a rogue by any other name.