It's a shame you can't get an inverter that could tuck in under your saddle, it's pretty impressive as it is, but hiding the power supply would rock.
I think I mentioned it above, but that is an old photo done on the night I finished the post, since then I made an inverter that slides down inside the seatpost.
One other thing I am thinking of doing is to run the wires through the padding in the saddle and have a very small space vertically between two points in the wire, so that it connects when you put pressure on and switches off when you take your fat arse off.
I think I mentioned it above, but that is an old photo done on the night I finished the post, since then I made an inverter that slides down inside the seatpost.
One other thing I am thinking of doing is to run the wires through the padding in the saddle and have a very small space vertically between two points in the wire, so that it connects when you put pressure on and switches off when you take your fat arse off.