Hat He Chewed (from the joke: a man and his dog walk into a bar, sit at bar with drink, dog nibbles hat of man next to him: after a confrontation in which dog owner is rude, the hat owner responds that dog owner has a unpleasant disposition, prompting 'it's not my hat he chewed' response from dog man, one of my fave jokes that, along with: how do you fit an elephant into a Safeway carrier bag? anyone know that one? i'll be happy to tell it, it's a side-splitter, maybe after i've 'told' it the forum could decide which one is best. or not.) is my hero. he's standing up to all you horrid forum bullies, you all scare me with your angriness. i feel like crying sometimes when i read your beastly, withering put downs. Did my grandad sacrifice admittedly very little and in fact make a lot of friends in the Great War for this???!! All you needed to say to the poor man was: buy both bikes and after 30 years of regular use you'll soon know which bike has the beating of the other. I'm so sad, but Hat He Chewed is an inspiration to all of us, ps does anyone want to hire a freelance sub-editor? ie me.
Hat He Chewed (from the joke: a man and his dog walk into a bar, sit at bar with drink, dog nibbles hat of man next to him: after a confrontation in which dog owner is rude, the hat owner responds that dog owner has a unpleasant disposition, prompting 'it's not my hat he chewed' response from dog man, one of my fave jokes that, along with: how do you fit an elephant into a Safeway carrier bag? anyone know that one? i'll be happy to tell it, it's a side-splitter, maybe after i've 'told' it the forum could decide which one is best. or not.) is my hero. he's standing up to all you horrid forum bullies, you all scare me with your angriness. i feel like crying sometimes when i read your beastly, withering put downs. Did my grandad sacrifice admittedly very little and in fact make a lot of friends in the Great War for this???!! All you needed to say to the poor man was: buy both bikes and after 30 years of regular use you'll soon know which bike has the beating of the other. I'm so sad, but Hat He Chewed is an inspiration to all of us, ps does anyone want to hire a freelance sub-editor? ie me.