it was up by stoke newington, only left it outside for a little bit, but they came along with clippers and took all the nice bits, could have taken my front wheel though, which would have crippled my life. I've sort of rectified the situation, but i'm really in need of a seatpost... the one i have in there is only sticking coz of the rust so it's down at a funny height... made my legs ache after just one journey!
in retrospect shouldn't have gone out without an extra lock or two, i guess they were praying on bints like me... good job i've got birthday money!
it was up by stoke newington, only left it outside for a little bit, but they came along with clippers and took all the nice bits, could have taken my front wheel though, which would have crippled my life. I've sort of rectified the situation, but i'm really in need of a seatpost... the one i have in there is only sticking coz of the rust so it's down at a funny height... made my legs ache after just one journey!
in retrospect shouldn't have gone out without an extra lock or two, i guess they were praying on bints like me... good job i've got birthday money!