I just dont get your non acceptance of innovation. I gave a good example of something different that you can do wih a fairly limited music style and you've both shot it down like the true luddites you are.
Woah....i didn't shoot it down...i already said i own a vestax deck and that i've been known to mix in reverse too....but it's not something that can be done often enough to make it worth having the feature for me....as somebody who mixes on three decks i'd hardly call myself a luddite...i just don't think the feature is as important as good solid, trustworthy decks that stay in time.
Woah....i didn't shoot it down...i already said i own a vestax deck and that i've been known to mix in reverse too....but it's not something that can be done often enough to make it worth having the feature for me....as somebody who mixes on three decks i'd hardly call myself a luddite...i just don't think the feature is as important as good solid, trustworthy decks that stay in time.