someone mentioned the the DEMI GOD and possibly the best DJ around, Derrick May and a piece of magic he brought to a night: Mixing in a track in reverse. (something I've also done- I'm sure my nan was FEELING IT!) but this is something that I could only do on my vestax cos techincs didn't go for this feature cos:
At the end of the day though a deck really doesn't need any more features than a good pitch control and a solid platter
Without this innovation from Vestax would techics have retro fitted them to later marques of the 1200/1210?
You're probably right Derricks an idiot with his his fuckin reverse
someone mentioned the the DEMI GOD and possibly the best DJ around, Derrick May and a piece of magic he brought to a night: Mixing in a track in reverse. (something I've also done- I'm sure my nan was FEELING IT!) but this is something that I could only do on my vestax cos techincs didn't go for this feature cos: