I came off this morning at a dodgy junction by a little park near kenninton tube. It's a raised roundabout really smooth tarmac and apparently icy as fuck at 8.00 in the morning so watch out. Had both wheels wash out and slid for ages but somehow both me and the bike escaped relatively unscathed. The slide was kinda fun in a way too, once I realised I was OK. Got to rate MKS Sylvan pedals, the dust cap took the full brunt of the slide but the pedal still runs great! Hope they get the gritters down the small roads tomorrow!
I came off this morning at a dodgy junction by a little park near kenninton tube. It's a raised roundabout really smooth tarmac and apparently icy as fuck at 8.00 in the morning so watch out. Had both wheels wash out and slid for ages but somehow both me and the bike escaped relatively unscathed. The slide was kinda fun in a way too, once I realised I was OK. Got to rate MKS Sylvan pedals, the dust cap took the full brunt of the slide but the pedal still runs great! Hope they get the gritters down the small roads tomorrow!