A lot say that sks raceblades are a bit wobbly - the wire stays are a bit flexy, so you need to leave plenty of clearance around the tyre.
If you have a road or track frame with no eyes for bolts, you ould use 'P Clips' which are bolted-on bands that go around your seat stays/forks and allow you to use proper full length guards... use some gaffer or rubber under the clips to protect your paintwork if you care about that sort of thing.
JFGI (c)Hippy
A lot say that sks raceblades are a bit wobbly - the wire stays are a bit flexy, so you need to leave plenty of clearance around the tyre.
If you have a road or track frame with no eyes for bolts, you ould use 'P Clips' which are bolted-on bands that go around your seat stays/forks and allow you to use proper full length guards... use some gaffer or rubber under the clips to protect your paintwork if you care about that sort of thing.
I'm Skully. I am a mudguardaholic.