I pasted an excerpt of what I wrote above, with one sentence on top, altogether somehow like:
Tried to post soemthing before, but it got rejected.
I raised the point that being next to a bus / HGV that is pulling up on a junction often poses a threat (or at least feels like that) and if I have to jump a light or go far into the junction when it's red so that I can get a head start, rather than being overtaken by a dangerous vehicle, I will.
I mentioned a couple of examples of dangerous situations I have seen with HGVs and bendy busses (where I have seen accidents).
Also I said stated that I agree with JC's posts, and that Graham's statement " The fact that a law is mildly inconvenient is no reason to ignore it." is more a " The fact that a law is putting me in danger is a reason to disobey." situation.
Lastly I was expressing my hope that if we were all nice and smile more but get offended less, we could all get along, i.e. that when a ped crosses on a red light I expect them to do so and don't get angry about it, don't try to run them over automatiacally ...
I pasted an excerpt of what I wrote above, with one sentence on top, altogether somehow like:
Tried to post soemthing before, but it got rejected.
I raised the point that being next to a bus / HGV that is pulling up on a junction often poses a threat (or at least feels like that) and if I have to jump a light or go far into the junction when it's red so that I can get a head start, rather than being overtaken by a dangerous vehicle, I will.
I mentioned a couple of examples of dangerous situations I have seen with HGVs and bendy busses (where I have seen accidents).
Also I said stated that I agree with JC's posts, and that Graham's statement " The fact that a law is mildly inconvenient is no reason to ignore it." is more a " The fact that a law is putting me in danger is a reason to disobey." situation.
Lastly I was expressing my hope that if we were all nice and smile more but get offended less, we could all get along, i.e. that when a ped crosses on a red light I expect them to do so and don't get angry about it, don't try to run them over automatiacally ...