Even without a cycle lane undertaking on a bike is legal, the highway code mentions bikes and motor bikes filtering traffic I beleive, says something about taking due care and paying attentionn while doing it, but if the cabbie wasn't signalling it's his fault. (note, most cabs have to press a button to let sitengers out so it is the drivers fault not sitenger)
You should have taken his nunmber and complained to the licensing authority.
Although Personnally i try to over take on the right where possible...
I've got to say if one did actually hit me though I certainly would take the law into my own hands and beat the cabbie to death with my lock... er, I mean would not obviously... ahem..
Even without a cycle lane undertaking on a bike is legal, the highway code mentions bikes and motor bikes filtering traffic I beleive, says something about taking due care and paying attentionn while doing it, but if the cabbie wasn't signalling it's his fault. (note, most cabs have to press a button to let sitengers out so it is the drivers fault not sitenger)
You should have taken his nunmber and complained to the licensing authority.
Although Personnally i try to over take on the right where possible...
I've got to say if one did actually hit me though I certainly would take the law into my own hands and beat the cabbie to death with my lock... er, I mean would not obviously... ahem..