Another day...another apology.
Bags are again on some of you know, i've had serious back problems for the last 7 weeks which have made working difficult....yesterday it took a turn for the worst and sent me to hospital where i had to stand up in agony for 4.5hrs just to be sent home with 6 diazepam...needless to say they did home about 2am....after 30mins of sleep i got up and promptly felt the worst pain i've ever felt in my life....stood there clinging onto my workbench shaking like a shitting dog...ended up having to call an ambulance...few more hours pass....again more diazepam...some ibuprofen...some diclofenac....which again aren't doing a great deal.
I now have to register with a gp and get a referal for an urgent MRI scan on my back to see what's causing the pain. make a long story longer....i'm unable to sew again...or walk properly...or do anything without immense pain.
As soon as i can i'll be back sewing again.
Sorry once again for more delays.
Scott not scot.
Take it easy Scott, Like I said yesterday call me if you need anything.
Take it easy Scott, Like I said yesterday call me if you need anything.
BTW get Emily making those bags.