+1 I remeber the party I was at when Blair got in, very emotional, full of hope......now I hate the cnut...he was similar (well, white) great orator, big promises etc.....I really hope Obama is different...don't expect troops out of Iraq before xmas 2009 though..
The biggest thing about this is that it's symbolic...
I still treasure something the Guardian wrote after the 1997 election:
'The euphoria was palpable. People were seen breaking into little half-smiles or trying to make eye contact on the tube.'
That's probably not the exact wording, but it was pretty close and captured people's uncertainty over what Bliar actually stood for.
I think the euphoria this time around is much greater, partly because John Major was a lot better than George Wanker Bush.
And I think that Obama is a far better orator than Bliar.
I still treasure something the Guardian wrote after the 1997 election:
'The euphoria was palpable. People were seen breaking into little half-smiles or trying to make eye contact on the tube.'
That's probably not the exact wording, but it was pretty close and captured people's uncertainty over what Bliar actually stood for.
I think the euphoria this time around is much greater, partly because John Major was a lot better than George Wanker Bush.
And I think that Obama is a far better orator than Bliar.
Now let's see if there really is much he can do.