=============Enemies of the homeland
God’s people hitlist: God wants them dead because they harm America!
Barack “The Muslim” Obama
(aka “Homobama”, “Barack Osama”, “Husein the Terrorist”)
Tristan Shuddery (He turned over to the dark side!)
Cory Doctorow ( Pro-hacker liberal, runs a satanic blog called “Boing” )
Scott McClellan
Richard Dawkins
Alex ‘The Snake Oil Salesman’ Jones
Mike Malloy
Michael Moore
Aaron Russo (God won - died of cancer!)
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Chelsea Clinton
Cindy Sheehan (Has publicly repented from her sins - God won!)
Al Gore
Al Franken
Barrack Osama
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
Charly & Martin Sheen
Jeff Farias
Rick Warren
Joel Osteen
Dan Rather
Sam Harris
Boris Yeltsin (God Won)
Cho Seung-Hui (God Won)
Saddam Hussein (God Won)
Kurt Vonnegut (God Won)
George ?Greasy Greek? Soros
Chuck Hegel
Sheryl GAY Stolberg
Ryan Lawson
Casper the Godless Pornographer
Charles Darwin (God Won)
Hemant Mehta a.k.a. The Friendly Atheist
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Max Keiser
Marcel Marceau (God Won)
Jack Clark, the ?Rational Radical?
Nancy “Mafia Princess” Pelosi
Harry “Polygamy” Reid
Mitt “Mor(m)on” Romney
Rudy “Cross-dressing Baby-Killer” Giuliani
Robert P. Shay Jr.
Alan Colmes
Ron Paul
James Randi
I havent heard of most of those people but what on earth has Chelsea Clinton done to anybody? Especially 'against the homeland'
And how did USA/God have a victory against Charles Darwin, he lived till 81 and his theory became universally adopted as the standard model of Biology. How did he lose?
and check this list:
============Wrong Choices
God’s lifestyle choices hitlist : God hates people that belong to one of the groups below because they harm America!
Animal Rights People
“Global Warming/Cooling” Believers
Linux users
“Purpose Driven” churches
Government school teachers
The anti-smoking lobby
College Professors
Hybrid Cars
thats shits hilarious!
I havent heard of most of those people but what on earth has Chelsea Clinton done to anybody? Especially 'against the homeland'
And how did USA/God have a victory against Charles Darwin, he lived till 81 and his theory became universally adopted as the standard model of Biology. How did he lose?
and check this list:
God hates linux Users!