Where did all the hipsters go?

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of 9
  • don't forget to put your mittens on a string to hang from your coat sleeves...

    OR.. tie the mitten strings together and hang your coat round your neck as a fetching necklace!! :)

  • It's all love, Mr Donut! All love... This reminds me of when I got my best mate when I was 11 over to help me paint my Raleigh Arena in sexy silver with two pots of Humbrol™... With tiny paintbrushes... Yes! I know, hi-la-ri-ous! It looked well ghetto, in the ghetto... My cowhorns were awesome tho'...
    I'll be through in a minute, dear

  • OR.. tie the mitten strings together and hang your coat round your neck as a fetching necklace!! :)

    Thinking outside the box... Genius... Alex is our very own Viktor & Rolf... In the body of a single human being person... Genius... Pure... i should probably go to bed...

  • Haha! I used to paint everything with Humbrol™ (loving the Trade Mark) until I discovered Krylon™!! ;)

  • [quote=Donut!;359098]When I was a kid I used to spend all my time playing with my cock! quote]


  • They always sniff took the paints sniff off me.. sniff still no sniff idea why.. sniff

  • there is a theory that the coming economic meltdown will produce something valid from todays youth apart from hipsterdom. at the moment it's all about style and how you want to be perceived by others and judged on the pointless things you buy. todays yoot haven't known this country in crisis. punk being a good example of a reaction towards the state of society, the miners strikes and poll tax riots were the most recent events to engage and provoke a reaction both politically and musically.
    creativitity brought about by a countries malaise is often the most powerful form of expression.
    buying a white plastic wheel doesn't make you a rebel.

    spoken like a true middle-aged man, "the youth of today don't stand for anything, not like back in my day..."

    it's a complete loads of bollocks, though. there's plenty of creativity, social engagement and originality coming from "the yoot" today, and equally there was a load of consumerist crap in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. most gen-y and millennial kids (fuck i hate those terms but anyway) are so hyper aware of trend marketing and the way it works to exploit them (and the way they exploit it themselves) that i reckon today's yoot are less susceptible to hype and manipulation than any other generation. i don't see apathy and empty consumerism, i see awareness mixed with a dose of studied cynicism and - sure - a bit of a herd mentality (the internet just makes it a bigger herd). but following the herd is not new, nor is it confined to the young. trends just move so fast and virally now, and are much more globalised, that trends can look a bit homogenous and manufactured (people dress the same in london, new york, sydney, berlin...).

    to say that young people are only interested in style and how other people perceive you and what stuff you buy is a complete load of shit. sure there are plenty of wankers in this town who are so far up their own arses they're inside out, but let's not make sweeping generalisations based on a few nathan barleys in fucking shoreditch. and let's not forget that there is a big world outside London and New York.

    "this economic crisis will finally produce something valid from the yoofs" what the fuck is that? what are 20 year olds supposed to have achieved? sure they haven't changed the world - yet - but give them some time. maybe this economic crisis will bring some creativity, maybe it won't. i hope it does, but the conditions that led to any imagined creative vacuum are the product of the generation now in their 30's and 40's.

    sorry to rant but it really gets on my tits when people wheel out the old 'back in my day' high horse. it just makes you sound like a cliche of - dare i say it - an ageing hipster.

  • don't get me wrong though, there are some prize fucktards around.
    less of them on bikes since the weather got cold, though.

  • [quote=Donut!;359098]When I was a kid I used to spend all my time playing with my cock! quote]


    If I didn't know you better I'd think you didn't like me!

  • gotta agree with you badtmy +repped.

  • I can't see anything rebellious about riding a bike, however I don't understand the trend for people riding bikes (brakeless or not) that they can't seem to ride properly, but then I guess it's not far from Hoxton to Hipsterville! :)

  • Well.. only .5% of journeys are made by bike (or whatever the stat is).
    How much of a minority do you need to achieve before you're a rebel?

    badtmy: No one born after 1979 has done anything for this planet, they are all uncaring consumerist scum concerned only with what label they can afford to wear this week.. not like back in my day. I fought 5 world wars to end up having to ride through waves of G-Star buying twats in White City? Martha would be turning in her grave.

  • I think Tim's missed part of smithy's point somewhat though..

    we really were in the shit back when we were teenagers, "careers" talks at school were largely a waste of time as there was little prospect of work for school leavers. When asked to write essays about what we would do when we left school, lot's of us wrote about going to the dole office to get benefit! Thatcher, children.

    Is it possible for those with more experience of life to compare and comment on social history without being accused of being "middle aged"or stuffy, or bitter by younger people?

    Kids today, don't know shit.

  • spoken like a true middle-aged man, "the youth of today don't stand for anything, not like back in my day..."

    it's a complete loads of bollocks, though. there's plenty of creativity, social engagement and originality coming from "the yoot" today, and equally there was a load of consumerist crap in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. most gen-y and millennial kids (fuck i hate those terms but anyway) are so hyper aware of trend marketing and the way it works to exploit them (and the way they exploit it themselves) that i reckon today's yoot are less susceptible to hype and manipulation than any other generation. i don't see apathy and empty consumerism, i see awareness mixed with a dose of studied cynicism and - sure - a bit of a herd mentality (the internet just makes it a bigger herd). but following the herd is not new, nor is it confined to the young. trends just move so fast and virally now, and are much more globalised, that trends can look a bit homogenous and manufactured (people dress the same in london, new york, sydney, berlin...).

    to say that young people are only interested in style and how other people perceive you and what stuff you buy is a complete load of shit. sure there are plenty of wankers in this town who are so far up their own arses they're inside out, but let's not make sweeping generalisations based on a few nathan barleys in fucking shoreditch. and let's not forget that there is a big world outside London and New York.

    "this economic crisis will finally produce something valid from the yoofs" what the fuck is that? what are 20 year olds supposed to have achieved? sure they haven't changed the world - yet - but give them some time. maybe this economic crisis will bring some creativity, maybe it won't. i hope it does, but the conditions that led to any imagined creative vacuum are the product of the generation now in their 30's and 40's.

    sorry to rant but it really gets on my tits when people wheel out the old 'back in my day' high horse. it just makes you sound like a cliche of - dare i say it - an ageing hipster.

    well for a start my post starts with "there is a theory" not "this is my theory" a subtle but important point that you missed.
    "the youth of today don't stand for anything, not like back in my day..."
    well for a start i didn't actually say that (i presume the use of a single' " ' was to attribute it to me?) as for your back in the day comment when i was an art student we did the normal drug/drink stuff got into music (mostly old late 60/early70's as acid house was just going and if you weren't into that there wasn't much else out there) wore chuck taylors /jeans check shirts/old jumpers/leather jackets. it's not much different now and it wasn't much different 20 years previously.
    I will say this though as it's partly relevant.
    having seen the work students produce now and in conversations with my old tutor the work ethic/energy has mostly been lost.
    one thing my old tutor said to me last year really sticks in my mind.
    "i sometimes feel I am impinging on their social lives when i ask them to produce something, of course if i pull them up on this they get their parents involved. these are 20 year old adults FFS!"
    i personally see evidence of this when students straight out of college come to see me for work, a majority (not all) have hardly anything to show me. i feel like saying "is this all you produced in 3 years?". things have changed in peoples attitudes and it's happened in a short period of time, i'm interested in what peoples views are on this.

    "this economic crisis will finally produce something valid from the yoofs" what the fuck is that? what are 20 year olds supposed to have achieved?

    again not my words so i don't know who you are quoting there?

    "sorry to rant but it really gets on my tits when people wheel out the old 'back in my day' high horse. it just makes you sound like a cliche of - dare i say it - an ageing hipster."

    i accept your apology. i'm not interested in a personal 'ad-hominem' argument, rather a discourse about the main points of my post.

    here is a quote from another cliched aging hipster
    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in lace of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
    Socrates 470-399BC

  • Socrates 470-399BC

    That's a ripe old age pre NHS

  • well for a start my post starts with "there is a theory" not "this is my theory" a subtle but important point that you missed.

    you were clearly endorsing the theory you mentioned.

    "the youth of today don't stand for anything, not like back in my day..."
    well for a start i didn't actually say that (i presume the use of a single' " ' was to attribute it to me?)

    paraphrased the spirit of your argument! you may not have actually said that in as many words, but it was pretty clearly implied.

    as for your back in the day comment when i was an art student we did the normal drug/drink stuff got into music (mostly old late 60/early70's as acid house was just going and if you weren't into that there wasn't much else out there) wore chuck taylors /jeans check shirts/old jumpers/leather jackets. it's not much different now and it wasn't much different 20 years previously.


    I will say this though as it's partly relevant.
    having seen the work students produce now and in conversations with my old tutor the work ethic/energy has mostly been lost.
    one thing my old tutor said to me last year really sticks in my mind.
    "i sometimes feel I am impinging on their social lives when i ask them to produce something, of course if i pull them up on this they get their parents involved. these are 20 year old adults FFS!"
    i personally see evidence of this when students straight out of college come to see me for work, a majority (not all) have hardly anything to show me. i feel like saying "is this all you produced in 3 years?". things have changed in peoples attitudes and it's happened in a short period of time, i'm interested in what peoples views are on this.

    i have no reason to dispute your tutor's or your own experiences, but it is at best anecdotal and a limited sample size. i know that I finished university with very little in the way of written work to show. the primary reason being that all the assessments are task-based and only apply to the specific instance of the assignment. and i was a bit busy working 4 days a week to pay for my fees and bills to sit down and write a portfolio of whatever in my spare time. doesn't necessarily mean i'm creatively bankrupt, just a function of circumstances.
    maybe modern photography students are twats, but i don't know any so i couldn't comment.

    "this economic crisis will finally produce something valid from the yoofs" what the fuck is that? what are 20 year olds supposed to have achieved?

    again not my words so i don't know who you are quoting there?

    again, paraphrase.

    "sorry to rant but it really gets on my tits when people wheel out the old 'back in my day' high horse. it just makes you sound like a cliche of - dare i say it - an ageing hipster."

    i accept your apology. i'm not interested in a personal 'ad-hominem' argument, rather a discourse about the main points of my post.

    "makes you sound like" not "you are". and frankly, it does.

    here is a quote from another cliched aging hipster
    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in lace of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
    Socrates 470-399BC

    i am familiar with Socrates. he was the old dude in Bill and Ted, right?

    RPM: this theory about having to live through suffering to understand anything... i really dunno about that. i don't have to have fought in a war to know that they fucking suck, and i don't need to starve through a famine to know that I never want to go hungry. i've never experienced the dole queue either, but i know what lack of hope does to a person and a society, and it's not a positive thing no matter how many blues, techno or punk records come out of it.

    i don't want to quibble over who said what, i just reckon we can cut the kids some slack. i respect that older people have seen more and have more experience, of course this is a truism, but it's intellectually sloppy to trot out a couple of anecdotes and references to punk and thatcherism and then blame all the kids for being creatively bankrupt.

  • I hate to break up the arguement but this image does not bode well for hipster numbers.
    The more Pharell pushes something, the more morons buy into it. God Damn Bape!
    Also, duel arrospok looses the game.

  • RPM: this theory about having to live through suffering to understand anything.

    that's not what I said.

    merely a comparison between when I was 16 and what it's been like for 16 year olds for the last 10 years or so, that's all. :)

  • I hate to break up the arguement but this image does not bode well for hipster numbers.
    The more Pharell pushes something, the more morons buy into it. God Damn Bape!
    Also, duel arrospok looses the game.

    saddle too low

  • that's not what I said.

    merely a comparison between when I was 16 and what it's been like for 16 year olds for the last 10 years or so, that's all. :)

    point taken.

  • this isn't something that is confined to our youth. we just generally live in a more apathetic, shallow society now. we just live in a state now where people think, "oh, i could fight for what i believe in and stuff... but i've just got such nice stuff already..." and somehow our world and sense of what's right has shrunk to be things that affect us and our lives directly. i think it's a combination of unprecedented wealth and shitty media (i mean the fact that someone has actually written that agyness deyn's hairstyle is somehow eponymous with the state of the economy is... shocking and infuriating).

    if i think about the us, fourty years ago people were rioting in the streets over conditions not too different from what exists today. but now it's hard to find even hardcore liberals who are willing to show up to a demo or to even speak about george w bush as anything more dangerous/haenous than a bafoon.

    we've been lulled into this comfortable consumer culture. i'm hoping that a recession makes us care less about the new prada it bag, and a bit more about what's happening in the world around us.

  • I hate to break up the arguement but this image does not bode well for hipster numbers.
    The more Pharell pushes something, the more morons buy into it. God Damn Bape!
    Also, duel arrospok looses the game.

    Pharrell bought a share in BMW a coupla years ago didn't he?

  • I think Tim's missed part of smithy's point somewhat though..

    we really were in the shit back when we were teenagers, "careers" talks at school were largely a waste of time as there was little prospect of work for school leavers. When asked to write essays about what we would do when we left school, lot's of us wrote about going to the dole office to get benefit! Thatcher, children.

    yeah true i didn't address that. i didn't grow up under thatcher, i grew up in the sun. thatcher must've sucked, and some kids today have been lucky, but that's hardly their fault, and you have to be careful not to sound like you're eating sour grapes.

    Is it possible for those with more experience of life to compare and comment on social history without being accused of being "middle aged"or stuffy, or bitter by younger people?

    of course such commentary is welcome, but it can sometimes edge into becoming snarky and patronising. which isn't good.

    Kids today, don't know shit.

    ha! we don't need to know shit, we have google!

    i've got a lot of respect for the older members of this forum, who are generally a source of helpful information and cut through some of the bullshit. but youth culture isn't as bad as some people seem to make out.

  • "you were clearly endorsing the theory you mentioned."
    " paraphrased the spirit of your argument! you may not have actually said that in as many words, but it was pretty clearly implied."

    FYI i am not endorsing the theory just putting it to the floor for discussion. i'm really sorry you misconstrued my post but written english isn't my strongpoint.
    i'm not going to pore over the minutiae of your reply but i'm surprised that somebody who writes this:
    "but let's not make sweeping generalisations based on a few nathan barleys in fucking shoreditch. and let's not forget that there is a big world outside London and New York."

    is happy to make sweeping generalisations like this:
    Originally Posted by badtmy
    "spoken like a true middle-aged man"

    if you approach my first post as a proposition of a theory not a statement of fact (as it was intended) then an ad hominem argument is likely to be avoided and a discussion more likely to happen.

  • Pharrell bought a share in BMW a coupla years ago didn't he?

    Apparently so, from a swift google.
    That being said, I lost all respect for "Skateboard P" when he mentioned that he didn't take his deck on tour, as it would get his hands dirty. Douche.

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Where did all the hipsters go?

Posted by Avatar for andymatthews @andymatthews
