Of course if a driver sets our to kill you your in troulble. But in terms of engaging with HGVs or any other road user we need to ride proactively, take ownership of the road and command how lane progressions and changes are made. That means being awake enough to know there is a truck coming behind you, moving into the lane so that it can't over take you. Of course they could just plow into you but thats murder, not an accident. Likewise make sure you are seen. Dont expect drivers to see you.. MAKE them see you.
For example, I get some funny looks for wearing my front light on my wrist, but it allows me to shine the light into mirrors (blinding drivers hahaha) making people aware of my presence, same with a bell.
Of course if a driver sets our to kill you your in troulble. But in terms of engaging with HGVs or any other road user we need to ride proactively, take ownership of the road and command how lane progressions and changes are made. That means being awake enough to know there is a truck coming behind you, moving into the lane so that it can't over take you. Of course they could just plow into you but thats murder, not an accident. Likewise make sure you are seen. Dont expect drivers to see you.. MAKE them see you.
For example, I get some funny looks for wearing my front light on my wrist, but it allows me to shine the light into mirrors (blinding drivers hahaha) making people aware of my presence, same with a bell.