+1 for speedplay frogs. Simply because they are expensive, black and no other fucker has them ;-)
(or because you have foot turn out problems and need unsprung float in your pedal connection)
i have foot turn out issues, at least i thinki do. i'm currently trying ATACs after all the fuss, and while i like them, they are doing something weird to my right foot, which likes to point outwards a bit. it was ok with eggbeaters, which i might go back to, but i'm interested in what you have to say...
i have foot turn out issues, at least i thinki do. i'm currently trying ATACs after all the fuss, and while i like them, they are doing something weird to my right foot, which likes to point outwards a bit. it was ok with eggbeaters, which i might go back to, but i'm interested in what you have to say...