Does anyone know how much 'cyclist awareness' content there is in statutory training for HGV drivers?
European regulation and training for hgv drivers is far greater than other parts of the world.
However, I've got a class C HGV license (anything not articulated basically) and during my training there was not much on cyclist specifically but you are told to check all mirrors all of the time. However there are big blind spots on lorries and many of the mirrors are wide angle e.t.c so a cyclist can seem very small and frequently goes in and out of view on a mirror. With all other vechials trying to over take you and cut you up because you are slow it's impossible to look into all mirrors at all times. I'm not saying lorry drivers are alway blame free but it's also not alway the lorry drivers fault.
Having said that the biggest mirror based problem is the lack of nearside front corner blind spot mirror on lorries. New lorries have to have them but they are not being retro fitted. This blind spot can easily loose a car let alone a bike.
European regulation and training for hgv drivers is far greater than other parts of the world.
However, I've got a class C HGV license (anything not articulated basically) and during my training there was not much on cyclist specifically but you are told to check all mirrors all of the time. However there are big blind spots on lorries and many of the mirrors are wide angle e.t.c so a cyclist can seem very small and frequently goes in and out of view on a mirror. With all other vechials trying to over take you and cut you up because you are slow it's impossible to look into all mirrors at all times. I'm not saying lorry drivers are alway blame free but it's also not alway the lorry drivers fault.
Having said that the biggest mirror based problem is the lack of nearside front corner blind spot mirror on lorries. New lorries have to have them but they are not being retro fitted. This blind spot can easily loose a car let alone a bike.