• Tommy - I think it is more complex:
    1) Shorter wheelbase would make it easier to unweight the rear wheel, as you do not need to move your weight as far for an equal reduction in normal (perpendicular) force.
    2) if you use a front brake to initiate a skid, then the moment (around the front wheel contact patch) will lift the rear wheel more easily with a shorter wheelbase - because the centre of mass is closer (further forward) than for a longer wheelbase... roight?
    The tandem thing occurs because the lack of stoker means the centre of mass is much further forward than otherwise..
    Please excuse my a-level physics thought-experiment jibberish.

    The tandem is an extreme example of a long wheel base, it's easier to consider the extreme then generalise for a thought experiment.

    Consider the simplified diagram.


    M_1>M_2 (unless some serious slavery is taking place )


    As a increases (chain stay length) F_1 must decrease. Now I know on slacker geometry rake tends to increase but head angle decrease so a which would relate to c but that change is alot smaller than what happens to a. Hence all else being equal a long wheel base means easier skid.
