What is it with people buying lo-pros and then running a quill stem at full extension...
People like the look of Lo-Pros - they would be impractical to ride around all day in full-on arse in the air / knuckles on the ground mode, so people tend to set them up with the bars a little higher on a longer stem.
I can't see a problem myself, aside from outraging cycle traditionalists.
Seriously...if your lo-pro is THAT uncomfortably low that you feel it necessary to have a stem like a fucking periscope why not just ride a normal frame?...
Why not simply run the stem a little longer so that your posture is fine ?
Scott, I think you need to take a shit and have a cup of tea.
People like the look of Lo-Pros - they would be impractical to ride around all day in full-on arse in the air / knuckles on the ground mode, so people tend to set them up with the bars a little higher on a longer stem.
I can't see a problem myself, aside from outraging cycle traditionalists.
Why not simply run the stem a little longer so that your posture is fine ?
Scott, I think you need to take a shit and have a cup of tea.